Positive Behavior Support

Florida PBIS Logo

Bobcats “LEAP” into Success at River Hall Elementary!

L - Learn Everything I Can

E - Express Respect

A - Aim for Safety

P - Prepare for All

   River Hall Elementary is a proud PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) Model School with school-wide criteria designed to foster a climate of respect, responsibility, academic excellence and safety. The PBIS process is a team-based approach that requires strong collaboration between families and school personnel. PBIS gives us a new way to think about behavior. The PBIS approach is designed to increase academic performance, increase safety, decrease problem behaviors, and establish positive school cultures through the use of evidence-based strategies and interventions. Please visit our online calendar for a complete list of PBIS sponsored school-wide events and celebrations. Thank you for all that you do for your child!

River Hall PBIS Mission

  We are committed to establishing a warm and caring learning environment, using data and shared accountability to focus students, driving them towards behavioral and academic achievement that can be displayed both within the school and community environments.

Ways That Parents Can Help With Positive Behavior Support

  • Remember to use 5 positives for every 1 negative

  • Set the stage for your student’s success and reward his/her efforts

  • Give clear and specific directions

  • Maintain your composure and always use a calm voice

  • Set reasonable limits for your child

  • Be consistent (“No” means no and “yes” means yes)

  • Set the example and model desired behaviors (Actions truly do speak louder than words)

  • Proactively anticipate situations

  • Have and demonstrate patience with you child

  • Have fun and enjoy your role as a parent

"Have a short memory for mistakes, failures, and behavior slips. Every child deserves a fresh start each morning." - Robert Ramsey